Town of Oakland, Wisconsin

Lake Ripley Management District

20 Year Comprehensive Land Management Plan and Budget

SetterTech worked with the Lake Ripley Management District on the development and implementation of a comprehensive land management plan and budget for their approximately 160 acre preserve located in the town of Oakland, Dane County Wisconsin. The purpose of this plan and budget was to provide direction to the Lake District Board and to provide budgeting information necessary for tax levy, funding, and grant application purposes.

Through this interactive process between the Lake District Board and SetterTech, specific land management zones, tasks, and recreational signage criteria were established for each zone. The processes formulated for each zone were based upon multiple influences which included baseline land management requirements, recreational use patterns, available funding sources, and allowable management practices due to environmental conditions and consideration to neighboring property owners. SetterTech also created an interactive budgeting process for the Lake District Board to utilize.

This budget tool is constructed in a way that allows the board to monitor land management activities and budgets in the same system. This combination of information allows board members to see what management activities are expected to be carried out in a given year and all estimated associated expenses. This system also allows the board to move management activities to different years should budget management processes dictate. The development of this comprehensive plan has allowed the Lake District Board to grasp, understand, and develop direction for the Lake District Preserve.

This website managed by Joann Martin